Valentine’s Day wouldn’t be complete without going out to a fancy dinner or arranging a romantic getaway on top of a mountain. The latter may be a stretch for some but it’s probably on the minds of adventure seekers and outdoor enthusiasts. It really doesn’t matter as much where you take your significant other as long as you set the ambiance and you prepare some mean dishes. That said here’s a little rundown on how you can make a romantic Valentine’s Day feast for the love of your life.
Choose the Place
If you don’t fancy making reservations in one of those high-end yet uptight restaurants, you’re better off making everything from scratch. Start off with the right place and proper ambiance.
Some couples can’t afford to leave the house for various reasons, the most common of which are the children. One option then is to ask someone you can trust or hire a babysitter to watch over them while you and your partner rekindle the romance. The safer bet, however, is to set up your dinner date in your home or in the backyard.
One of the most important facets of a successful date is ambiance. There are many ways to set the mood. First, the place should look nice. You can’t have a great date if you take him or her to somewhere that looks like a scene from the movie Joe’s Apartment. If you’re doing the date in your home, clean up. The fact that you cleaned the house thoroughly should earn you some bonus points with the wife/husband.
The yard is also a good place to have your Valentine’s Day feast. Mow the lawn in the morning or rake the leaves. Give the lawn furniture some good cleaning before using it. Water the plants so they’ll look good and healthy later on.

Music plays a major part in any date. Play something nice and romantic to set the mood. Even if you’re both into heavy metal, you could appreciate something smooth and slow for your date.

Dinner by candlelight? It may sound corny and cliché but it works for many of us. Just be careful not to burn the house down with all the candles lit up. Make sure you have a fire extinguisher nearby if you plan on lighting up the place with your charm and a hundred candles or so.

Finally, your place should smell great. Among all the essential oils, the ylang ylang is considered the best aphrodisiac. This part doesn’t really need an explanation. Just go crank up your diffuser and let the essential oil do its work.
Preparing Your Valentine’s Day Feast
You and your lover have probably spent countless hours in the kitchen making meals since you’ve been together. While this is nothing new, you can still incorporate this supposed chore into your Valentine’s date. This can be fun and romantic if you’re doing this for your date. The secret is to pop open a bottle of wine, put on some nice music and just be nice to each other while making your Valentine’s Day feast.
Clean up
If you’ve been together for years, you’re probably used to seeing each other in not-so-desirable look. Go clean up. Wash the grease off your hands or the smell of your cooking from your hair, clip you nails, trim the beard or brows, and get a nice haircut or visit the salon. Finish it off with a nice suit or dress. Don’t go to your Valentine’s Day feast in your favorite cargo shorts, for Pete’s sake.
Get Something for Him/Her
Most people expect to get something on Valentine’s Day. Unless you’re really cash-strapped, go get something for your lover. You don’t have to break the bank. Something simple but meaningful is better than an expensive gift that doesn’t really mean anything to you both.
Go for something that will show how much you really care. A box of chocolates will not protect your love from bad people. It will also make you fat. Flowers will eventually wilt and die.

A pocket knife, however, lasts a lifetime or at least for a number of years. The knife indicates how much you want your lover to stay safe at all times. The same goes with mace or a Taser gun.
A multi-tool like a Swiss Army Knife, meanwhile, is a great Valentine’s Day gift for your lover regardless of gender. You can even use it later to open that bottle of wine you’ve got chilling in the fridge.

If you’re a little low on cash, there are affordable options for your Valentine’s Day gift. Emergency whistles and survival mirrors don’t cost that much but will be greatly appreciated, especially if they come home late at night. You can be practical yet romantic. The trick is in the delivery. Include a sweet and witty note with your Valentine’s Day gift. You can also include a pretty flower you secretly picked from the neighbor’s yard. Just kidding. Ask nicely and maybe they’ll be willing to part with one of their precious flowers.
Finally, the food. A Valentine’s Day feast is not a feast without glorious food, of course. But don’t just settle for any kind of food. Go for something a bit more special than normal. Don’t buy fast food and expect the night to go well. You’re not feeding the national college football champs, mind you. Even if you serve them on a silver platter, fast food only goes so far.
Of course, if a certain fast food plays a major role in your relationship then you can include it in your menu. Otherwise, you should make things pretty special.

Start with the appetizer. Bring out a plate of appetizers to munch on while you talk about how the day went by. Some simple finger foods that go well with the wine will be enough to keep things interesting. Select cheese, fondue, and ham come to mind.
Main Course

A nice slab of steak is a heavy favorite as the main attraction of your Valentine’s Day feast unless you’re vegetarians, of course. You may also want to include some aphrodisiacs in your meal if you plan on extending your date way beyond dinnertime. Oysters are a huge no-no. They’re too messy. Adding chili peppers t your dish may end up in disaster. Go for something simpler such as avocados and chocolate.

Pair your steak with a plate of pasta. If that’s a bit too much for your stomachs to handle, you can just go for one of them. Pasta goes well with red wine and, more importantly, pretty easy and to make.

Speaking of chocolates, they make a great dessert and mood setter. Dark chocolate is said to have an effect on dopamine levels in people. Don’t just serve a bar of chocolate for your dessert. There are many ways you can incorporate chocolate in your dessert.
You have it good if you know how to bake anything from chocolate cakes to pies. If you don’t have the talent or skill, go for something a bit simple like serving a scoop of dark chocolate ice cream over a pair of bananas.
You also have the option of buying your partner’s favorite dessert and serve it to complete your Valentine’s Day feast.
Don’t finish the bottle even before you serve your appetizer. If you’re fixing your Valentine’s Day feast together, make sure you have enough wits to make it to the part where you actually eat dinner.
If you plan to surprise your date, you can pour your lover a glass of chilled wine while he or she waits for the feast you worked so hard on.

The most important part of a successful Valentine’s Day feast or date is not the place, the music, the choice of wine, or the food. It’s you. Don’t stress out too much thinking of how you can make the night perfect. Sometimes, the unexpected things that ruin a date are the memories you laugh about later in our relationship. Just be yourself.
Visit The Gentleman Pirate for more tips on making delicious meals for your loved one. You can also find some great suggestions on what to gift your significant other on special occasions.

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