What Would I Do If I Was Trapped In A Burning Building


There was an estimated 380,200 residential building fires reported from 2013 to 2015 in the United States. This is according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Around 2,695 lives were lost in these fires. There’s been a steady decline in casualties over the years as better fire safety measures have been adopted. However, that’s still a scary statistic. Surely, you don’t want to end up like them and that is why you should be wary of what to do in case you’re trapped in a burning building.


Be Prepared

As we always preach here on The Gentleman Pirate, prevention is better than cure. In other words, it’s better to be prepared than suffer the consequences. If you live or work in a building, make sure you know what to do in case a fire breaks out.


Identify All the Exits

The moment you step inside a building, you should look for all possible exits. This bit of information will come in handy in case of a burning building and other emergencies such as an active shooter situation. The doors are not the only possible exits. You should also check the windows if it leads to a fire escape.


Fire Extinguisher

Kidde FA110 Multi-Purpose Fire Extinguisher

At the onset of fire, you can probably put it out with some swift action and a fire extinguisher. However, if the fire gets too bug, you should ditch the place and save yourself. You shouldn’t risk staying in a burning building in the hopes of putting the fire out. Even if you manage to control the fire, the fumes may still be dangerous.


Fire Escape Ladder

Kidde 468093 KL-2S Two-Story Fire Escape

Buildings are required to have escape ladders. Make sure yours work properly. In fact, try using it every now and then to practice escaping a burning building.

2-Story Fire Escape Ladder

For two-story homes, you should have your own fire escape ladder. Make sure everyone knows where it’s kept and that they know how to use them properly. Practice using it so there won’t be any accidents while getting down from the burning building.


Fire Emergency Kit

FYJENNICC Emergency Survival Fiberglass Fire Blanket

Prepare an emergency kit you can use for different disasters or emergencies. Your bug out bags should always include food, water, extra clothes, first aid kit, and some survival gear. When it comes to fire, you should have specific gear to help you survive a burning building.

Denshine 30 minutes Fire Escape Mask

A fire blanket will protect you from the fire, particularly the heat, while you find your way out. A fire escape mask, meanwhile, will keep you from breathing in the deadly smoke. The mask will also protect your eyes and help you see where you’re going.


Fireproof Your Home

ForceField FireGuard Flame Retardant and Protection

First of all, you should be carefully when you’re handling fire. Avoid using candles as much as possible. If you have to, place it far away from flammable things such as curtains. You can use a fire retardant on your curtains and other house items as an added precaution.

First Alert Smoke Detector and Carbon Monoxide Detector Alarm

Buildings should have its own fire alarm system. If yours doesn’t, have one installed. You should also have a fire sprinkler system.


Escaping a Burning Building

Don’t Panic

Ideally, you should have an escape plan already in place. By having one, you lessen the chances of you going into panic. You should also practice your escape plan regularly until everyone knows how to automatically react once a fire breaks out. As you quickly survey the situation, grab your fire emergency kit. It should be kept somewhere along your path of escape so it is easy to grab. You can’t waste valuable time looking for it. Every second counts if you’re trying to escape a burning building. Again, don’t panic, survey the situation and let all the emergency drills and training come to you.


Head to the Nearest Exit

Get out as fast as you can. Since you’ve previously identified all the exits, you should know where to go. If the nearest one is compromised, you should know where the next exit is. Before opening a door, make sure it’s not hot. If it’s hot that means fire is burning just outside. Find another way out.


Go to Your Designated Meeting Point

Assign a meeting space far from the building. This is where everyone will gather once they escape the burning building. By having a designated meeting point, it’s easier to know who are still inside and need rescuing.

The path leading to your meeting point should not be closed in by a fence or gate. If there’s no other way, you should check it regularly to see if there are obstacles. Always keep the path clear. Also, do the necessary repairs or adjustments if the gate always gets stuck or is hard to open. The same goes with doors and windows. Fix them immediately if they have a tendency to get stuck.

Ultimate Access Lock Pick Set + Free Ebook

Part of your fire escape plan is to have everyone know how to open the locked doors and windows. Make sure they know also know how to unlock and open gates. One survival skill everyone should know is to open locks. This will come in handy in case your exits have been padlocked.


If You’re Trapped

Many fatalities died because they couldn’t get out of a burning building. If you’re trapped, don’t just give up hope. Again, the key is not to panic. If all possible exits are blocked, you’re left with the option of staying put and do everything you can to stay alive until you’re rescued


Cut off Oxygen

Fire grows thanks to fresh oxygen. If you eliminate the source of oxygen, the fire will eventually burn out. This can be done by simply blocking the paths between you and the fire. Close all the doors and windows along the path. Cover any openings, as well. This will keep the fire from crawling to where you are.


Cover Vents and Cracks

Grab some pieces of cloth and soak then with water. Place them under the door so the fire and smoke will not get in. Check the room for vents, cracks and other openings where the fire and smoke may enter. Block them.


Protect Your Lungs

Use your fire emergency kit when you have one. Cover yourself with the fire blanket and stay as close to the floor as possible. In their absence of a fire blanket, you can use wool blanket. If you still don’t have one, just use a normal blanket soaked in water.

Ever Ready First Aid Olive Drab Green Warm Wool Fire Retardant Blanket

Wear the fire escape mask once thick smoke enters the room and it gets harder to breathe. Once you open your fire escape mask, you have 30 to 60 minutes of filtered air. Make good use of that.


Call the Fire Department

After making sure the fire will not get to you, call 911 or the fire department. Tell them about your situation. It’s important that rescuers know how many you are, what floor and room you’re trapped in. Give them your exact location.


Help Rescuers Find You

GearLight LED Tactical Flashlight

Your rescue will be a lot easier if the rescue workers can actually see where you are. You can open a window a bit and wave at the rescuers. However, be quick to close it when too much smoke is coming in. Another option is to hang a bright-colored cloth out the window before closing it. You can also signal them using a flashlight or a mirror. A whistle can also get their attention when they’re nearby.



Don’t Go to the Roof

The worst place to be in a burning building aside from the actual floor that’s on fire is the roof. Avoid going up there as much as possible. The only time you should go to the roof is if there are no other options. The rescuers will have a difficult time reaching you if you’re on the roof or even on the balcony. Plus, you may inhale some of the smoke from below.


Don’t Use the Elevator

Never use the elevator when evacuating a burning building. They can be damaged by the fore and stop functioning while you’re inside. There’s a reason why emergency exit signs are placed near the stairwell. Take the stairs.


Don’t Go Back Inside

We’ve seen countless films where a character runs back inside a burning building to rescue someone. While this is pretty heroes, it’s also dangerous and dumb, if you may. You may think that if the fire’s still under control, you can go back in and out in a jiffy. Don’t do it. The fire can grow huge in an instant. Plus, there’s always the risk of explosions and smoke inhalation.


Don’t Just Stand There

Once your clothes or anything on you catches fire, you should immediately stop, drop to the ground, and roll. This is the fastest way to extinguish a fire on your hair or clothing.


A burning building is one of the worst situations you can be in. Dying by fire is also probably one of the worst ways to go. Your best bet of not getting burned to a crisp is to take the necessary precautions. Make your home fireproof, regularly practice your escape plan, and always be careful when handling fire. Know more survival tips for different kinds of emergency situations by visiting The Gentleman Pirate.

What Would I Do If There Was A Raging Wildfire

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